MAGX: Riding the Magnificent 7 Wave or Courting a Wipeout?

Jul 29, 2024, 12:25AM | Investment Ideas

The Magnificent 7 stocks—Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla—continue to dominate the market with their substantial returns and market influence. The Leverage Shares 5x Long Magnificent 7 ETP (MAGX) offers investors a unique opportunity to amplify their exposure to these high-performing stocks. However, the inherent risks of leveraged investments, coupled with potential market corrections, necessitate a cautious and well-informed approach.


The Magnificent 7 stocks have been a cornerstone of market performance, significantly outpacing the broader indices. The MAGX ETP, which provides five times leveraged exposure to these stocks, presents an enticing proposition for investors seeking amplified returns. This report delves into the performance, risks, and future prospects of MAGX, synthesizing information from various sources to provide a comprehensive analysis.

    Performance of the Magnificent 7

    Historical Performance

    Over the past five years, the Magnificent 7 stocks have delivered an annualized return of over 46%, dwarfing the S&P 500’s 13% growth. These stocks have been pivotal in driving market gains, accounting for half of the S&P 500’s total gains last year. The combined market capitalization of these companies exceeds $16 trillion, underscoring their market dominance.

    Recent Developments

    In 2024, the Magnificent 7 stocks have shown mixed performance. While Nvidia and Apple have continued their upward trajectory, Tesla has faced challenges, remaining relatively flat year-to-date. Alphabet has emerged as a strong performer, driven by advancements in AI and robust advertising revenue.

    Valuations and Market Sentiment

    Several Magnificent 7 stocks, including Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon, are trading at high multiples, with forward earnings ratios exceeding 34 times, compared to the S&P 500’s average of 22.7 times. This elevated valuation raises concerns about potential overvaluation and market corrections.

    Leveraged Exposure through MAGX

    Structure and Features

    The Leverage Shares 5x Long Magnificent 7 ETP (MAGX) offers five times leveraged exposure to the daily return of the Solactive Magnificent 7 Index, which equally weights the seven mega-cap US-listed companies. This structure allows investors to gain amplified returns without the need for a margin or CFD account.

    Performance and Risks

    Leveraged ETPs like MAGX carry significant risks, including the potential for magnified losses in adverse market conditions. The daily rebalancing mechanism can lead to performance decay over time, particularly in volatile markets. Investors must be aware of these risks and consider their risk tolerance and investment horizon before investing in MAGX.

    Expert Opinions and Market Trends

    Bullish Sentiments

    Analysts remain optimistic about the long-term prospects of the Magnificent 7 stocks. Companies like Nvidia and Microsoft are expected to continue benefiting from their leadership in AI and cloud computing. Alphabet’s advancements in AI and strong advertising revenue also position it well for future growth.

    Cautionary Notes

    Despite the bullish sentiment, there are concerns about potential market corrections. The Magnificent 7 stocks have started to trend lower against the indexes, indicating a possible trend change. Historical patterns suggest that large-cap stocks may face corrections before resuming their upward trajectory.

    Market Cyclicality

    A study by Vanguard highlights the cyclical nature of market performance, emphasizing the difficulty of market timing. During periods when large-cap stocks outperform, holding top contributors like the Magnificent 7 has been advantageous. However, diversification and maintaining discipline are crucial to navigating market volatility.

    Implications for Investors

    Potential Returns

    Investors in MAGX stand to benefit from the continued strong performance of the Magnificent 7 stocks. The leveraged nature of MAGX can amplify gains, making it an attractive option for those with a high-risk tolerance and a bullish outlook on these stocks.

    Risks and Considerations

    The high degree of leverage in MAGX also means that losses can be magnified, particularly in volatile or declining markets. Investors must carefully consider their investment horizon, risk tolerance, and the potential for market corrections. The recent trend of the Magnificent 7 stocks trending lower against the indexes suggests that caution is warranted.

    Diversification and Risk Management

    Given the risks associated with leveraged ETPs, diversification remains a key strategy for investors. While MAGX offers amplified exposure to high-performing stocks, balancing this with investments in other asset classes can help mitigate risks. Additionally, maintaining a disciplined investment approach and avoiding market timing can improve the chances of long-term success.

    Future Prospects

    Technological Advancements

    The Magnificent 7 stocks are well-positioned to benefit from ongoing technological advancements, particularly in AI and cloud computing. Companies like Nvidia and Microsoft are at the forefront of these developments, which are expected to drive significant growth in the coming years.

    Market Dynamics

    The broader market dynamics, including potential rate cuts and shifts in investor sentiment, will play a crucial role in shaping the performance of the Magnificent 7 stocks. While these stocks have shown resilience, the market’s cyclical nature suggests that periods of correction are inevitable.

    Strategic Positioning

    Investors should closely monitor key support levels for the Magnificent 7 stocks, as these can provide insights into potential entry and exit points. Technical analysis indicates that stocks like Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet are likely in a correction phase within a larger uptrend, with higher levels expected in the coming weeks.


    The MAGX ETP offers a compelling opportunity for investors to leverage the strong performance of the Magnificent 7 stocks. However, the inherent risks of leveraged investments, coupled with potential market corrections, necessitate a cautious and well-informed approach. By balancing exposure to MAGX with diversification and maintaining a disciplined investment strategy, investors can position themselves to capitalize on the continued growth of these market-leading companies while mitigating risks.

    In summary, while the Magnificent 7 stocks have shown remarkable performance, current trends indicate caution as they may face a correction before potentially rallying again. The overall market sentiment is shifting towards small caps, but key tech stocks are expected to see further upward movements if they maintain above specified support levels. Investors should remain vigilant and adaptable, leveraging the insights provided in this report to navigate the complex market environment effectively.

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