The Biggest Risks to Stocks in 2024 According to Wall Street

Dec 18, 2023 | Investment Ideas

As we approach the year 2024, Wall Street analysts and financial forecasters are increasingly vocal about the potential risks facing the stock market. While the general outlook remains cautiously optimistic, several significant threats loom on the horizon that could derail the ongoing bull market and precipitate a downturn. This report delves into the primary risks highlighted by Wall Street experts and provides an in-depth analysis of how these factors could impact the stock market in the coming year.

Economic Hard Landing

One of the most pronounced concerns expressed by Wall Street’s top analysts, including Fundstrat’s Tom Lee, is the risk of a hard landing for the economy. A hard landing refers to a scenario where the economy rapidly decelerates from growth to recession, often as a result of aggressive monetary policy aimed at curbing inflation. This abrupt shift could lead to a significant contraction in corporate earnings, resulting in downward pressure on stock valuations.

Parabolic Melt-Up

Conversely, Lee also warns of the risk of a parabolic melt-up in the market. A melt-up occurs when asset prices rise sharply due to investor enthusiasm, rather than underlying fundamentals, and often precedes a significant market correction or crash. This kind of irrational exuberance can create asset bubbles, which, when they burst, can cause widespread damage to investor portfolios and the broader economy.

Recession and Debt Bubbles

Wall Street is also wary of a potential recession, which is often accompanied by a wave of corporate debt defaults. The Daily Editor at Summa Money notes that nearly $1 trillion of corporate debt could default in the event of a recession, which could severely impact the stock market’s stability. Corporate debt defaults can have a cascade effect, undermining financial institutions and investor confidence, and triggering sell-offs in the equity markets.

Overvalued Stock Markets

The concern over overvalued stock markets persists among forecasters. If stock prices are inflated beyond the intrinsic value of the underlying companies, any shift in market sentiment or economic conditions could lead to a rapid revaluation and a sharp decline in stock prices.

Geopolitical Risks

Geopolitical tensions and conflicts are cited by a Natixis SA survey as the most significant macroeconomic risk for 2024. Geopolitical flashpoints can disrupt global trade, impact commodity prices, and introduce significant uncertainty into financial markets, all of which can negatively affect stock prices.

Market Volatility

JPMorgan predicts that a key gauge of stock market worry, likely the VIX (Volatility Index), will climb in 2024 after reaching lows not seen since before the pandemic. Increased volatility can erode investor confidence and lead to more dramatic swings in stock prices, both up and down.

Interest Rate Cuts and Macroeconomic Outlook

Goldman Sachs and Moody’s anticipate that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will initiate rate cuts in 2024, which could influence the macroeconomic landscape. If rate cuts occur later than expected, or if inflation remains persistently high, the stock market could face additional headwinds.


In summary, the stock market in 2024 faces a complex interplay of risks ranging from economic downturns and asset bubbles to geopolitical strife and market volatility. The potential for a hard landing or a parabolic melt-up presents a particularly challenging dichotomy for investors. Moreover, the specter of recession and debt defaults, alongside concerns over overvalued stocks, underscores the fragility of the current market environment.

It is our opinion, based on the data and trends provided, that prudent risk management will be crucial for investors in 2024. While it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, preparing for volatility and being mindful of the potential for significant market shifts will be key strategies for preserving capital and seizing opportunities as they arise.

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