Yelp’s Advertising Business Outlook and Upside Potential for 2024

Jan 15, 2024 | Stock Analysis

Yelp, the platform that connects people with local businesses, has been a barometer for consumer interests and a pivotal tool for businesses seeking to gain visibility and grow their customer base. As we venture into 2024, Yelp’s advertising business is a critical component of its revenue model and is poised for evaluation. This report aims to analyze the trajectory of Yelp’s advertising business in 2024, considering past performance, current market trends, and the platform’s strategic positioning.

    Yelp’s Historical Advertising Performance

    Yelp’s advertising business has historically been the cornerstone of its revenue stream. In 2021, the company recorded profitable growth, with net revenue increasing by 18% year over year, reaching a record $1.03 billion. This growth trajectory was maintained despite the fluctuating macro environment, signaling the resilience and effectiveness of Yelp’s transformed business model. In 2018, Yelp’s total revenue grew to almost $940 million, with the expectation to contribute $1.1 billion in 2020, predominantly from local advertising.

    Current Market Trends and Yelp’s Position

    The digital advertising landscape has evolved with the advent of new technologies and changing consumer behavior. In 2023, Yelp saw a 9% year-over-year growth in ad clicks, a notable rebound from flat behavior in the first half of the year. This indicates a positive engagement trend on the Yelp platform, which is essential for attracting advertisers.

    Yelp’s relevance as a marketing tool remains significant, with 82% of people visiting Yelp with the intention of purchasing. This statistic underscores the platform’s potential as a powerful marketing channel for businesses. Additionally, Yelp’s 2024 Trend Forecast suggests that the platform is keeping a pulse on consumer interests, which could help businesses tailor their advertising strategies effectively.

    Predictions for Yelp’s Advertising Business in 2024

    Given the historical data and current trends, Yelp’s advertising business in 2024 shows promise. The platform’s ability to drive profitable growth in previous years, combined with the recent increase in ad clicks, suggests a continued upward trajectory. Moreover, Yelp’s focus on trend forecasting and adapting to consumer preferences positions it well to offer value to advertisers seeking targeted and effective campaigns.

    However, the advertising landscape is competitive, and Yelp must navigate challenges such as the rise of social commerce and the creator economy. Retail social commerce sales in the U.S. are expected to total $82.82 billion in 2024, with platforms like TikTok gaining traction. Yelp will need to differentiate its advertising offerings and demonstrate a clear return on investment to capture a significant share of advertising budgets.

    Upside Potential of Yelp’s Advertising Business

    The upside potential for Yelp’s advertising business in 2024 lies in several areas:

    1. Local Business Growth: As local businesses continue to recover from the pandemic’s impact, Yelp’s platform could be instrumental in their growth strategies. The company’s strong historical performance in connecting consumers with local businesses could drive more advertisers to invest in Yelp’s advertising solutions.
    2. Consumer Trends: Yelp’s ability to identify and report on consumer trends provides advertisers with valuable insights. This can lead to more effective and targeted advertising campaigns, potentially increasing ad spend on the platform.
    3. Technological Advancements: Yelp’s investment in the product experience and potential integration of emerging technologies like AI could enhance the advertising experience for both businesses and consumers.
    4. Market Position: Yelp’s established presence as a go-to platform for reviews and local business discovery gives it a competitive edge. Maintaining this position could result in sustained advertiser interest.


    Yelp’s advertising business in 2024 is positioned for growth, building on a strong foundation of historical performance and market relevance. The platform’s focus on consumer trends, combined with technological advancements, could enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. However, Yelp must remain agile and innovative to compete in the dynamic digital advertising market. By leveraging its unique strengths and adapting to market changes, Yelp has the potential to not only sustain but also expand its advertising revenue stream in 2024.

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