
How Will Biden-Sanders Drug Price Rules Affect Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly?

Jul 04, 2024

The proposed drug price regulations by President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders are poised to significantly impact the revenue and growth trajectories of pharmaceutical giants Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly. By targeting the high prices of diabetes and obesity drugs such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Trulicity, these regulations aim to make essential medications more affordable for Americans. However, the financial repercussions for these companies could be substantial, potentially reducing their U.S. sales by up to 40% under Sanders’ more aggressive plan.


The pharmaceutical industry has long been under scrutiny for the high prices of prescription drugs in the United States. Recent developments, including an op-ed by President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, have intensified this scrutiny, particularly focusing on Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly. This report delves into the potential impacts of the proposed drug price regulations on these companies, analyzing the implications for their revenue and growth.

Background and Context

Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are leading players in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the market for diabetes and obesity drugs. Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic and Wegovy, along with Eli Lilly’s Trulicity, have been at the center of the debate due to their high prices. According to Biden and Sanders, these drugs are priced exorbitantly in the U.S., with Ozempic costing $935.77 and Wegovy $1,349.08 for a one-month supply. In contrast, researchers at Yale University suggest that these drugs could be manufactured for less than $5 a month.

Legislative Proposals and Potential Impact

Biden and Sanders have proposed several measures to curb drug prices. Biden’s plan includes allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, limiting price increases to inflation, and ending tax breaks for drug advertising. Sanders’ plan goes further, proposing the importation of cheaper drugs from other countries and requiring the government to manufacture generic versions of certain drugs.

Revenue Impact

According to a report by Wells Fargo Securities, Biden’s plan could reduce Novo Nordisk’s U.S. sales by 10-20% and Eli Lilly’s U.S. sales by 5-10%. Sanders’ more aggressive plan could lead to a reduction of up to 30-40% in U.S. sales for both companies. Given that the U.S. market is a significant revenue stream for these companies, such reductions could have a profound impact on their overall financial performance.

Market Reactions

The market has already reacted to the proposed regulations. Following the publication of the Biden-Sanders op-ed, Novo Nordisk’s American Depository Receipts (ADRs) fell by 1.7%, and Eli Lilly’s shares dropped by 0.8%. Despite these immediate losses, both companies have experienced significant gains in 2024, with Novo Nordisk ADRs up over 38% and Eli Lilly shares surging more than 55%.

Analysis of Underlying Trends and Market Forces

The high prices of diabetes and obesity drugs are driven by several factors, including research and development costs, marketing expenses, and the complex U.S. healthcare system, which involves rebates and fees paid to middlemen. Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly argue that their pricing practices are justified by these factors and that they offer significant discounts and support programs for patients in need. However, the increasing pressure from lawmakers and the public to reduce drug prices cannot be ignored. The proposed regulations reflect a broader trend towards greater government intervention in the pharmaceutical market, aiming to make essential medications more affordable and accessible.

Potential Implications for Stakeholders

The proposed regulations have far-reaching implications for various stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, and the pharmaceutical industry.


For patients, particularly those with diabetes and obesity, the proposed regulations could lead to more affordable medications, improving access to essential treatments. This could have a positive impact on public health outcomes, particularly given the high prevalence of these conditions in the U.S.

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers may also benefit from the proposed regulations, as lower drug prices could reduce the financial burden on healthcare systems and improve patient adherence to prescribed treatments.

Pharmaceutical Industry

For the pharmaceutical industry, the proposed regulations represent a significant challenge. Reduced revenue from lower drug prices could impact research and development budgets, potentially slowing the pace of innovation. However, companies may also need to adapt by finding efficiencies and exploring new markets to offset the revenue losses in the U.S.

Conflicting Viewpoints and Their Potential Impacts

While the proposed regulations aim to make medications more affordable, there are conflicting viewpoints on their potential impact. Critics argue that reducing drug prices could stifle innovation by limiting the funds available for research and development. They also contend that the complex U.S. healthcare system, with its rebates and fees, complicates the issue of drug pricing. On the other hand, proponents of the regulations argue that the current pricing practices are unsustainable and place an undue burden on patients and the healthcare system. They believe that greater government intervention is necessary to ensure that essential medications are accessible to all who need them.

Key Insights and Future Developments

Several key insights emerge from this analysis:

  1. Significant Revenue Impact: The proposed regulations could lead to substantial reductions in U.S. sales for Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, with potential decreases of up to 40% under Sanders’ plan.
  2. Market Reaction: The market has already reacted to the proposed regulations, with share prices of both companies experiencing immediate declines.
  3. Broader Trend: The proposed regulations reflect a broader trend towards greater government intervention in the pharmaceutical market, aiming to make essential medications more affordable.
  4. Stakeholder Implications: The regulations have far-reaching implications for patients, healthcare providers, and the pharmaceutical industry, with potential benefits for patients and challenges for the industry.

Looking forward, the implementation of the proposed regulations will depend on various factors, including political dynamics and the response from the pharmaceutical industry. Companies like Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly may need to adapt by finding efficiencies, exploring new markets, and engaging with policymakers to address the complex issue of drug pricing.


In conclusion, the proposed drug price regulations by President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders are poised to significantly impact the revenue and growth trajectories of Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly. While the regulations aim to make essential medications more affordable for Americans, the financial repercussions for these companies could be substantial. The broader trend towards greater government intervention in the pharmaceutical market reflects a growing demand for more affordable and accessible medications. As the political and market dynamics continue to evolve, the pharmaceutical industry will need to adapt to these changes to ensure sustainable growth and innovation. 

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