
Investment Analysis Report: COHU


COHU is a company operating in the Electronic Technology sector, specifically in the Semiconductors industry. The company has a market capitalization of $1.54 billion. In this report, we will conduct a comprehensive analysis of COHU's financial statements over the past three years to evaluate its valuation, financial health, earnings and revenue growth, profitability, operating margin, operating cash flow, and capital expenditure trends.

Balance Sheets Analysis

Key Observations:

  1. Total Assets: There has been a slight decrease in total assets from $1.26 billion in 2021 to $1.15 billion in 2023. This could indicate a reduction in the company's asset base.

  2. Total Liabilities: Total liabilities have also decreased from $376.54 million in 2021 to $200.18 million in 2023, suggesting a positive trend in reducing debt.

  3. Shareholders' Equity: Shareholders' equity has remained relatively stable over the three-year period, indicating a consistent level of investment in the company.


  • The decrease in total assets could be a cause for concern as it may indicate a reduction in the company's overall value.
  • The reduction in total liabilities is a positive sign, as it shows that the company is actively managing its debt levels.
  • The stability of shareholders' equity is a good indicator of the company's ability to maintain investor confidence.

Income Statements Analysis

Key Observations:

  1. Total Revenue: Total revenue has decreased from $887.21 million in 2021 to $636.32 million in 2023, indicating a decline in sales.

  2. Net Income: Net income has also decreased significantly from $167.32 million in 2021 to $28.16 million in 2023, reflecting a decline in profitability.

  3. Earnings Per Share (EPS): EPS has shown a downward trend, dropping from $3.45 in 2021 to $0.59 in 2023.


  • The decline in total revenue and net income is a concerning trend, as it indicates a decrease in the company's overall profitability.
  • The significant drop in EPS suggests that the company's earnings per share have been negatively impacted over the past three years.

Cashflow Statements Analysis

Key Observations:

  1. Operating Cash Flow: Operating cash flow has shown a slight decrease from $97.73 million in 2021 to $101.47 million in 2023, indicating a relatively stable cash generation capability.

  2. Free Cash Flow: Free cash flow has also remained relatively stable over the three-year period, indicating consistent cash flow generation.

  3. Ending Cash: Ending cash has fluctuated but remained at a healthy level, with $245.52 million in 2023.


  • The stability of operating cash flow and free cash flow is a positive sign, as it indicates that the company is able to generate sufficient cash to support its operations.
  • The healthy level of ending cash provides a buffer for the company to weather any financial challenges.

Investment Analysis and Recommendations


  • The company's market capitalization of $1.54 billion is relatively in line with its financial performance over the past three years. However, the declining revenue and net income may impact the company's valuation in the future.

Financial Health:

  • COHU has shown a positive trend in reducing total liabilities, which is a good indicator of financial health. However, the decrease in total assets raises some concerns about the company's overall value.

Earnings and Revenue Growth:

  • The significant decline in total revenue and net income over the past three years is a red flag for investors. The company needs to focus on strategies to boost sales and profitability.


  • The decreasing EPS and net income margins indicate a decline in profitability. COHU needs to implement cost-saving measures and revenue-generating strategies to improve profitability.

Operating Margin and Operating Cash Flow Analysis:

  • The stable operating cash flow and operating margin suggest that the company is efficiently managing its operations. However, the declining revenue may impact future cash flow generation.

Capital Expenditure Trends and Efficiency:

  • The consistent capital expenditure trends and stable free cash flow indicate that the company is efficiently allocating its resources. However, the company needs to focus on revenue growth to support future investments.

Investment Recommendation:

  • Based on the analysis of COHU's financial statements, it is recommended to closely monitor the company's revenue and net income trends. Investors should consider the company's financial health and profitability before making investment decisions.
  • Viewpoint: [Neutral]


In conclusion, COHU's financial statements reveal both strengths and weaknesses. The company has shown positive signs in reducing total liabilities and maintaining stable operating cash flow. However, the declining revenue and net income raise concerns about the company's long-term profitability. Investors should conduct further research and analysis before making any investment decisions in COHU.