Stock Analysis of EPD ( Enterprise Products Partners L.P. )
The Stock Rank is a quick snapshot of a stock’s potential, based on key financial ratios in four areas:
Quality, Value, Growth, and Momentum. You can explore detailed insights below for each category.
Stock Rank
Current Ratio1.07
Operating Margin12.54%
Earnings Yield8.18%
Dividend Yield6.3%
Asset 1-Year Growth4.29%
EPS 1-Year Growth0.8%
Revenue Average Growth (3-Year)26.84%
Revenue 1-Year Growth-14.78%
EBITDA Average Growth (3-Year)5.97%
1-Week Return-3.03%
1-Month Return4.65%
3-Month Return13.63%
6-Month Return14.52%
12-Month Return28.78%
Technical Scores and Rating
Moving Average Score
Oscillator Score
Technical Rating
For more details on short-term price trend, check out technical analysis of EPD
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