

Arteris, Inc. · NASDAQ















Arteris, Inc. provides semiconductor interconnect intellectual property (IP) and IP deployment solutions in the Americas, the Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East. The company develops, licenses, and supports the on-chip interconnect fabric technology used in System-on-Chip (Soc) designs and Network-on-Chip (NoC) interconnect IP. Its products include FlexNoC and FlexWay silicon-proven interconnect IP products; Ncore, a silicon-proven and cache coherent interconnect IP product that provides scalable, configurable, and area efficient characteristics; and CodaCache, a last-level cache semiconductor IP product. The company also offers IP deployment products comprising Magillem Connectivity that shortens and streamlines the SoC integration process; Magillem Registers and CSRCompiler that addresses hardware-software integration challenges for SoCs; and Harmony Trace that provides an enterprise-level server-based application with a web-based user interface. The company serves semiconductor manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers, hyperscale system houses, semiconductor design houses, and other producers of electronic systems. Arteris, Inc. was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Campbell, California.

Technical Analysis of AIP 2024-05-31


In analyzing the provided Technical Analysis (TA) data for the stock over the last 5 days, we will delve into the trend, momentum, volatility, and volume indicators to derive insights into the possible future stock price movement. By examining these key indicators, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis and make informed prediction...

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